Gérard MOUROU - We have the honor to announce the plenary talk of Professor Gérard MOUROU, Nobel Prize in Physics 2018, for having revolutionized the physics of lasers.Short bio
Dmitry BASOV, Columbia University, USA - "Quantum materials: Insights from THz and infrared nano-optics"
Andrea CAVALLERI, MPI Structure an Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg, Germany - "Terahertz josephon plasmonics: controlling quantum excitations of layered superconductors"
Daniel DOLFI, Thalès TRT, France - “Building blocks and concepts for THz remote sensing and communications”
Kaz HIRAKAWA, Tokyo University, Japan - "Terahertz spectroscopy of individual nanostructures using nanogap electrodes"
Heinz-Wilhelm HÜBERS, German Aerospace Center, Berlin, Germany - "High-resolution THz spectroscopy: from lab to space"
Jean-Francois LAMPIN, IEMN Lille, France - "Optically-pumped terahertz sources and applications"
Emma MACPHERSON, Warwick University, UK - "THz instrumentation and analysis techniques for biomedical research"
Pascale ROY, Synchotron Soleil, France - "Enlarging the frontiers of research in the IR/mm range using synchotron radiation"
Dmitry TURCHINOVICH, Bielefeld University, Germany - "Terahertz physics of graphene, possibly the most nonlinear material we know"